Britney Spears

The singer captioned this image, “On days when I don’t get primped and done up for my act, this is the real unglammed me.” It’s been a pleasure to meet all of you! This is my “morning coffee at home” look. #NoMakeupMonday”. Although Britney acknowledged to having some mascara remained from the night before under her right eye, we will accept this photo as no makeup. It’s odd to see Britney Spears without makeup, especially considering she has to perform in Vegas virtually every night. So, how does the pop star maintain her skin supple? She appears to be a great admirer of toners. She believes that using a good astringent toner before moisturizing is extremely crucial. Otherwise, she’ll break free. Spears, who is known for her rigorous workouts, claims that she must maintain her skin exceptionally clean due to the amount of time she spends at the gym. Take note, fitness enthusiasts.