Amazing pictures from the past that show how life used to be

A Baby Cage with a Baby

People would be shocked to see babies in cages hanging from apartment windows today, but in the first half of the 20th century, this was a common sight in many big cities in the US and UK. The idea behind these so-called “baby cages” or “health cages” was to let babies get some fresh air and sun. But by the middle of the 1900s, baby cages were less popular. This was likely because of safety concerns and high pollution levels caused by more cars on the road.

In the 1970s, I flew Southwest

Over time, a lot has changed in the airline business. First of all, people who used to be called stewards and stewardesses are now usually called flight attendants. Age limits for flight attendants have also changed, and rules that said they couldn’t get married or have kids have mostly gone away. In the 1970s, female flight attendants for Southwest Airlines had to wear hot pants and go-go boots as part of their uniform, which probably wouldn’t fly today. At the time, the airlines also served drinks with names like “Love Potion” and “Passion Punch” that were meant to be a little bit naughty.