Amazing pictures from the past that show how life used to be

Texaco Doodlebug

In the 1930s, Texaco made the Texaco Doodlebug, a tanker truck that looked like it came from the future. The Doodlebugs did what they had to do, which was to bring gas to and from gas stations. They were also a publicity stunt to update the look of the Texaco brand. No one knows how many Doodlebugs were made, but some sources say that only six were ever made. People at the time said that the shape of the Doodlebug made it look like a pill or a loaf of bread.

Cleaners that run on electricity

At the beginning of the 20th century, the streets of Berlin were cleaned with the help of heavy-duty waggons that were powered by electricity and drove around the city. You wouldn’t believe it, but electric cars have been around for a lot longer than you think. Since the 1800s, electric cars have been a known and useful way to get around, even if they weren’t always the fastest. In the end, people stopped buying electric cars because oil-powered cars were cheaper. Electric cars didn’t become popular again until after many years had passed.