Amazing People With Unique Genetic Traits

A Face Only Half White

This woman was born with a condition that makes one side of her face look white and the other side look normal. This is called unilateral vitiligo because it only affects one side of her face. Because of the condition, she has a unique beauty, but when she was younger, she had low self-esteem. Victoria Krus admits that she couldn’t accept having vitiligo on half of her face at first, but that changed when she started modelling, which made her feel proud of her skin.

Whoever has the longest thumb wins.

This guy’s fingers are normal length, but his thumb is the same size as his index finger, making it the longest thumb anyone has ever seen. This is called a “triphalangeal thumb,” and it’s not as rare as you might think because about 25,000 babies around the world have it. It is thought that people with this condition are better at playing musical instruments because of their condition.